Plan of Action for the North Andover Gay Straight Allaince
Goals for NAGSA
To provide an openly safe and supportive environment within North Andover High School by increasing awareness, sensitivity, and tolerance of the faculty members and student body towards issues concerning and faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual, and straight teenagers.
We will accomplish this by:
Holding regular and informative meetings of GSA.
Sponsoring training for faculty members on diversity issues.
Having guest speakers at student assemblies.
Becoming an active and visible group in our school and community.
Holding a parent/community information night.
Updating resources in our school library, guidance, and nurses office.
Participating in and supporting activities such as Gay Pride March, National Coming out day, Aids Awareness Week, etc.
To create a bond of trust and friendship between members in order to provide an atmosphere in which each member can feel comfortable and supported.
We will accomplish this by:
Meeting on a regular basis in an informal manner as a school supported group.
Providing educational and informative material as requested.
Participating in group building activities: conferences, marches, and social functions.
Working with and supporting other GSAs.
Employing an absolute confidentiality policy except where legal issues may apply.
Having food at meetings.
To have fun!!
General Activity Plan
An average meeting of NAGSA would consist of:
Check in- going around the room, stating your name and anything else you wish to mention about your thoughts, week, day, life etc. (Members may pass.)
Discussing any current issues; i.e. pertinent newspaper/magazine articles, cases of harrasment/support in or out of school, any upcoming group activities, etc.
Watching movies appropriate for the group.
Planning group/group sponsored events.